Prof. Dr. Jon Albers

Room: 0.3.2
Phone: +49 (0)234 32-28528
Professor for Classical Archaeology with a main focus on Settlements and Landscapes in the ancient mediterranean Region
Office hours: Please arrange a Meeting via E-Mail

Research Interest, Career and Projects
  • Roman, Greek and Etruscan architecture of the ancient Mediterranean
  • Ancient urban research
  • Pre-roman cultures of Italy and their exchange processes
  • Economic areas in Antiquity
  • Architectural terracotta



  • since 2020 Professor for Classical Archaeology at the Ruhr-University of Bochum with a research focus on settlements and landscapes in the ancient Mediterranean
  • since winter term 2018 Professor ad interim for the Chair in Classical Archaeology with a focus on Mediterranean cultures at the Ruhr-University Bochum
  • summer term 2016 and summer term 2018 Visiting Professor of Classical Archaeology at the Free University of Berlin
  • 2015-2018 academic senior councillor of the Department of Classical Archaeology of the University of Bonn
  • 2015 Habilitation (University of Bonn)
    Bestowal of the Venia Legendi for Classical Archaeology and appointment as Privatdozent at the University of Bonn
    Habilitation thesis: "Kultbauten und Heiligtümer in Etrurien. Architektur und topographische Lage etruskischer Heiligtümer von ihren Anfängen bis in die Zeit der römischen Eroberung" (Cult buildings and sanctuaries in Etruria. Architecture and topographical location of Etruscan sanctuaries from their beginnings to the time of the Roman conquest)
  • 2014-2018 Member of the Board of the German Archaeological Association (Public Relations)
  • 2010-2014 Member of the main committee of the German Archaeological Association
  • 2009-2015 Member of the Academic Council at the Department of Classical
    Archaeology of the University of Bonn
  • 2009 Doctorate (University of Bern)
    Dissertation: "Campus Martius. The urban development of the Roman field of Mars
    from the Republic to the Middle Empire"
  • 2007-2008 Research Fellow in the Pantheon Project, Karman Centre for Advanced
    Studies in the Humanities, University of Bern
  • 2006 Magister Artium (University of Hamburg)
    MA thesis: "Der Tempel von Celle in Civita Castellana. Untersuchungen zu
    etruskischer Architektur, zum Terrakottaschmuck und Sakralwesen am Beispiel eines
    faliskischen Heiligtums vom sechsten bis ersten Jahrhundert vor Christus"
    (The Temple of Celle in Civita Castellana. Examinations of Etruscan architecture,
    terracotta jewelery and sacredness using the example of a Faliscan sanctuary from
    the sixth to the first century BC)
  • Regular soldier at the armoured infantryman troop, Hamburg Fischbek
  • Born in 1976


  • Architectural developments and cultural exchange of Etruscan and Middle Italian sanctuaries (completed habilitation project)
  • Cerveteri. The necropolis of Monte Abatone
  • The Pantheon in Rome (with G. Graßhoff, M. Wäfler, Chr. Berndt (University of Bern)
    and M. Heinzelmann (University of Cologne))
  • Participation in the DISCO study 2014
  • Collaboration on the Pons project (by Prof. Dr. J. Bergemann (University of Göttingen))

Social Media and Publications