Dr. Ihab Al-Oumaoui

Room: 1.1.1e
Phone: +49 (0)234 32-28174
Office hours: please arrange a Meeting via E-Mail

Schwerpunkte, Werdegang und Projekte
  • Biological Anthropology
  • Ancient migrations
  • Paleopathology
  • Paleodemography
  • 2009 PhD from the university of Granada-Spain (dissertation: Affinities Among ancient Iberian Population-Dental Anthropology) 
  • 2004 Master's in forensic Archaeology and Genetics, UGR-Spain
  • 2002 Master's degree (dissertation: Human remains from the Bronze Age) UGR-Spain
  • 1998 Bachelor of Arts, Archaeology Program. University of Damascus – Syria.
  • since 2023 Research Assistant in the Project Inden-Pier: Naturwissenschaftliche und archäologische Dokumentation von Gräberfunden aus dem metallzeitlichen Gräberfeld, Pilotphase 1. Einleitung und Bedeutung des Gräberfeldes
  • 2019-2022 Postdoc. Research Associate for the DFG project ' Highlands and Lowlands: Exchange, mobility and migration as sources of innovation during the 4th and 3rd millennium in the South Caucasus …'
  • since 2016 (ongoing) Teaching in Biological Anthropology at the Institute of Archaeological Studies at the RUB, Bachelors and Masters Programs. The Seminars:

    1. Paleopathology and Stress
    2. Dental Morphology: Ancestry and Ancient Human Migrations
    3. Work and Physical Activity in the Past
    4. Introduction to Anthropology
  • 1997-2011 participation in archaeological research projects
    in Syria: Ancient city of Damascus (Roman - Medieval - Ottoman), Jerf Al-Ahmar: Euphrates region (PPNA, PPNB), Palmyra region (PPNA, PPNB), Balaas-Homs (PPNA, PPNB)
    in Spain: Project Las Eras Alcazar Ubeda (4th - 1st millenium BC) - Bronze Age sites in Galera, Monachil, La Mancha
  • since 2002 Member of the Paleopathology Association
  • since 2002 Member of the Dental Anthropology Association

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