Prof. Dr. Michael Baales

Room: LWL Außenstelle Olpe, In der Wüste 4, 57462 Olpe
Office hours: Please arrange a Meeting via E-Mail


Research Interest, Career and Projects
  • Cultural development of the Palaeolithic and Mesolithic in light of the quaternary climatic and environmental change
  • Since 2019 Individual Member of the German National Committee of ICOMOS e. V.
  • Since 2014 Member of the Association of State Archaeologists in Germany
  • 17.3.2009 Appointment as an adjunct Professor of Prehistoric Archaeology by the vice chancellor of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum
  • 2007 Elected as a corresponding member of the Deutsches Archäologischen Instituts (German Archaeological Institute) (DAI), Berlin
  • 2005 Change of faculty to the Ruhr-Universität Bochum
  • 2004 Elected as a full member of the Antiquity Commission of Westphalia
  • Since 1.6.2002 Head of the branch office Olpe of the LWL-Archaeology of Westphalia, responsible for archaeological monument conservation in the district of Arnsberg (Southern Westphalia)
  • Since 2002 Editor for the „Archäologische Korrespondenzblatt“ (Palaeolithic and Mesolithic), RGZM Mainz
  • Summer term 2001 Habilitation at the University of Frankfurt am Main with the thesis „Umwelt und Archäologie der Allerød-Zeit im Neuwieder Becken. Zur Siedlungsarchäologie der spätpaläolithischen Federmesser-Gruppen vor rd. 13.000 Jahren am Mittelrhein“ (Environment and archaeology during the Allerød period in the Neuwied Basin.  The settlement archaeology of the late Palaeolithic Federmesser group around 13.000 years BC at the Middle Rhine); conferment of the title Privatdozent
  • 1994 – 2001 Research assistant for the Palaeolithic field of study in Neuwied-Monrepos of the RGZM Mainz (interrupted by a three month contract for services at the Archäologischen Denkmalpflege, Department of Koblenz), including as an assistant of a six-year-long interdisciplinary collaborative research project (SPP) of the German Research Foundation (DFG) with the title „Wandel der Geo-Biosphäre während der letzten 15 000 Jahre“ (Transition of the geo-biosphere during the last 15.000 years). During that time, I conducted several excavations regarding the Late Palaeolithic and the environmental history of the Late Ice Age in the region of the Middle Rhine with results published in numerous publications.
  • 1993 Scholarship of the RGZM Mainz; and an excavation of the Late Palaeolithic settlement Kettig (Kr. Mayen-Koblenz)
  • Winter term 1992/93 Doctorate at the University of Cologne (Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences); Title of his dissertation (Prof. Dr. G. Bosinski) was: „’head'em-off-at-the-pass’ – Ökologie und Ökonomie der Ahrensburger Rentierjäger im Mittelgebirge“ (Ecology and economy of the reindeer hunters of the Ahrensburg culture in the Central German Uplands)
  • 1990 – 1992 Received the first doctoral scholarship of the „Prinz-Maximilian-zu-Wied-Stiftung“ Neuwied with employment in the research unit of the Palaeolithic of the Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums Mainz (RGZM) at “Schloss Monrepos” in Neuwied (Rhineland-Palatinate)
  • 1990 Contract for services at the Archäologische Denkmalpflege, Department Coblenz (today: Directorate-General of Cultural Heritage, directorate of the State Archaeology, field office in Coblenz)
  • Winter term 1989/90 Master's degree at the University of Cologne (Arts Faculty); the title of the thesis (Prof. Dr. G. Bosinski) was: „Die spätpaläolithischen Funde vom Kartstein (Nordeifel) (The late Palaeolithic finds of Kartstein (northern Eifel))
  • Winter term 1986/87 Continuation of studies of the Archaeology of Hunters, Prehistoric Archaeology and Geology at the University of Tübingen
  • Winter term 1983/84 Start of studies in Prehistoric Archaeology, Geology and Geography at the University of Cologne
  • 1982/83 Fifteen months of military service at Daun (western Eifel)
  • July 1982 School leaving examination at the Clara-Fey-Gymnasium Schleiden
  • Graduation at the Gemeinschaftshauptschule Blankenheim and the Clara-Fey-Gymnasium Schleiden (both northern Eifel, Kr. Euskirchen)
  • Born November 3rd, 1963 in Gerolstein / Western Eifel (Kr. Daun)
  • Excavation and evaluation of the Late Palaeolithic and Mesolithic-Neolithic site Blätterhöhle in Hagen
  • Publication and dating project of "Alt- und Mittlesteinzeit in Westfalen" (Late and Middle Stone Age in Westphalia)
  • Late Neolithic megalithic tombs at Erwitte-Schmerlecke (Kr. Soest)

Social Media and Publications