Dr. Nicole Boenke

Room: 1.1.2
Phone: +49 (0)234 32-29728
Office hours: nach Absprache via E-Mail

Research Interest, Career and Projects
  • Bioarchaeology
  • Food studies (cultural and physical implications, Palaeofaeces studies)
  • Acquisition, usage and distribution of organic resources
  • Wood utilisation & Forest management
  • Environmental Archaeology
  • Settlement Archaeology
  • since 12/2014 Research fellow at the Institute of Archaeology at Ruhr University (Field: Archaeobotany/Archaeometry)
  • 26/11/2014 Doctorate at the Philipps-Universität Marburg with a thesis on "Analyse botanischer Großreste aus dem Salzbergbau am Dürrnberg bei Bad Dürrnberg - Hallein/Salzburg: Eine Untersuchung zu Ressourcen, Umwelt und Ernährung" (“Analysis of botanical macro-remains from the Dürrnberg salt mine at Bad Dürrnberg - Hallein/Salzburg: An investigation on resources, environment and food”)
  • 04/2014 - 11/2014 Research fellow at the German Mining-Museum (Deutsches Bergbau-Museum) in Bochum
  • 2012-2014 Analysis and compilation of archaeological wooden finds from the late La Tène saline in Bad Nauheim (Wetteraukreis)
  • since 2012 Lectureship at the Ruhr University
  • 2010-2012 Research Fellow (Archaeobotany & environmental survey), Ruhr University. DFG-Project: „Salzmumien und Salzbergwerk von Chehrabād, Zanjan, Iran: Eine interdisziplinäre Studie zur Sozial-, Wirtschafts- und Technikgeschichte der nordiranischen Salzgewinnung in antiker Zeit“ (Salt mummies and salt mine at Chehrabād, Zanjan, Iran: An interdisciplinary study regarding the social, economic and technical history of North Iranian salt mining in ancient times)
  • 2008 Site director at the excavation of Echzell „Heinrichswiese“ (Echzell, Wetteraukreis). (Early Medieval, Late Antique, Roman and Urn Field periods)
  • 2008 Site director at the excavation in the area of „Frankfurter Strasse“/Flur Siechenhaus, Bad Nauheim, Wetterau (Landesamt für Denkmalpflege in Hessen/Hessian State Office of monuments preservation). (LBK and Michelsberg settlement, Bronze Age and Iron Age burials)
  • 2006-2007 Site director at the excavation along the road of the B49 at Wetzlar (Landesamt für Denkmalpflege in Hessen/Hessian State Office of monuments preservation). (Late Iron Age, Late Antique and Medieval)
  • 2004-2012 Independent contractor in the field of Archaeobotany, Blons (Austria)
  • 2003+2005 Local site director at the excavation of the Alamanni settlement Echzell, Flur Mühlbach (Echzell, Wetteraukreis)
  • 2000-2002 Research Assistant (Archaeobotany) at A. Kreuz, Institut der KAL in Hesse. DFG-Project: „Archäobotanische Großrestuntersuchungen zur früh-, mittel- und jungneolithischen Landwirtschaftsentwicklung und Landnutzung in Hessen (und der Vorderpfalz)“. (Archaeobotanical macro remains analysis of the early, middle and young Neolithic period regarding the agricultural development in Hesse and Vorderpfalz.)
  • 1998-2000 Research Fellow (Archaeobotany & environmental survey), Philipps-University. DFG-Project: „Siedlungs- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte des eisenzeitlichen Dürrnberges bei Hallein“. (Settlement- and economic history of the Iron Age Dürrnberg near Hallein.)
  • 1997-1998 Local site director in Münzenberg, Gambach (Wetteraukreis). Rescue excavation of the roman villa rustica “Brückfeld IV” in Münzenberg-Gambach
  • 1997 Master's degree at the Philipps-Universität Marburg (Thesis: Die frühlatènezeitliche Siedlung Bad Nauheim „Im Deut“. Archäologische und Paläobotanische Auswertung einer Ausgrabung. (The Early La Tène settlement Bad Nauheim „Im Deut“. Archaeological and Palaeobotanical analysis of an excavation)
  • 1995 Local site director in Münzenberg, Gambach (Wetteraukreis). Rescue excavation of the Roman Villa Rustica “Brückfeld IV” in Münzenberg-Gambach
  • 1991-1998 Obtaining practical experience in the field of Archaeobotany at the laboratory of the KAL in Hesse
  • 1989-1997 Studies of Prehistoric Archaeology, Anthropology and Ethnology at the Philipps-Universität Marburg
  • since 2007 Archaeobotanical analysis for the DFG-Project „Bandkeramische Siedlung mit Grubenanlage von Herxheim bei Landau (Pfalz)“. (Linear Pottery Settlement with a pit complex at Herxheim near Landau (palatinate)
  • 2004-2005 Archaeobotanical analysis of Iron Age finds from the area of Burgwall Vladař (Western Bohemia) as part of the project IA A 8002204 of the Grandagentur, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
  • since 2000 Wood analysis and archaeobotanical research for the Archaeology of Mining Department of the Deutsches Bergbau-Museum (German Mining Museum) (Iron Age salt mining at the Dürrnberg (Austria); Bronze Age copper mining and processing in the Mitterberg region, Bischofshofen (Austria); Roman azurite mining in Wallerfangen, Saarland; Early Mining in the Caucasus (Georgia & Azerbaijan)
  • 1996-1998 Anthracological analysis as part of the DFG Project (A.Kreuz) „Kelten, Germanen, Römer im Mittelgebirgsraum zwischen Luxemburg und Thüringen. Archäologische und naturwissenschaftliche Forschungen zum Kulturwandel unter der Einwirkung Roms in den Jahrhunderten um Christi Geburt.“ (Celts, Germani, Romans in the low mountain range between Luxembourg and Thuringia. Archaeological and scientific research on cultural change under the influence of Rome in the centuries around the time of Christ's birth) for the Institute of the KAL in Hesse

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