Prof. Dr. Michael Prange

Room: Herner Str. 45, 44787 Bochum
Professor of Applied Materials Science, TFH Georg Agricola
Office hours: Please arrange a Meeting via E-Mail

Research Interest, Career and Projects
  • Archaeometry, focus: metallurgy, chemical and isotopic investigation methods
    Materials science, focus: corrosion and investigation methods


  • since 2015 Professor of Applied Materials Science, TFH Georg Agricola
  • since 2014 Head of Materials Science Research Division
  • since 2012 Head of the Materials Science Laboratory
  • 2007 - 2012 Deputy Head of the Materials Science Laboratory
  • 1999 - 2012 Project manager at the Archaeometallurgy Research Department of the German Mining Museum Bochum and editor of the journal METALLA
  • 1996 - 1999 Research assistant at DMT-LB mbH, in the research areas of archaeometallurgy and mining archaeology at the German Mining Museum Bochum
  • Funded by the German Archaeological Institute / Eurasia Department (since 2009) The Copper Age settlement mound Pietrele (Măgura Gorgana)
  • Funded by the German Archaeological Institute (since 2010 - 2013), by the German Research Foundation and the Fritz Thyssen Foundation (from 2014) Prehistoric to ancient lead/silver mining on Ibiza (Balearic Islands, Spain)
  • Archaeometallurgical investigations on the "copper wreck" (Mönchgut 92), Greifswald Bodden
  • Further development and organization of the materials science laboratory

Social Media and Publications