Dr. Norbert Hanel

Room: 436 (4. Etage)
Phone: +49 (0)234 32-25217
Office hours: Please arrange a Meeting via E-Mail

Research Interest, Career and Projects
  • Corpus of Roman lead ingots
  • Evaluation of the aerial images of the Roman military encampments Vetera castra I and their canabae on the Fürstenberg near Xanten
  • The Roman naval base Alteburg near Cologne-Marienburg
  • since 2009 Participation in the project of the “Kommission für Alte Geschichte und Epigraphik” (Committee of Ancient History and Epigraphic) of the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut (German Archaeological Institute) (Munic) and the Bergbau-Museum (Bochum) (German Mining Museum) „Corpus römischer Bleibarren“ (Corpus of Roman lead ingots)
  • since 2009 Participation in the project of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Institute of Archaeological Sciences, Prehistoric Archaeology „Luftbildauswertung zu den römischen Legionslagern Vetera castra I und ihren canabae auf dem Fürstenberg bei Xanten“ (Evaluation of the aerial images of the Roman military encampments Vetera castra I and their canabae on the Fürstenberg near Xanten)
  • 2008–2009 (Winter term) Substitute professor (W 3) at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg i. Br., Department of the Archaeology of the Roman Provinces
  • 2005–2007 Research assistant at the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut (German Archaeological Institute) (Berlin, Madrid), congress preparation and publication of the Akten des 20. Internationalen Limeskongresses (Records of the 20th international Limescongress) in León (9.2006)
  • since 2003 Lectureship at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum (Institute of Archaeological Sciences, Prehistoric Archaeology)
  • 1995–2006 Participation in the project of the University of Cologne, Archaeology of the Roman provinces and of the Römisch-Germanischen Museums (Roman – Germanic Museum) of the city „Das Römische Flottenlager auf der Flur Alteburg im Stadtteil Köln-Marienburg“ (“The Roman naval base on the meadow Altenburg in Cologne-Marienburg“
  • 1990-1995 Groß-Gernau: Excavation, inventory of finds, exhibition of the Roman settlement
  • 1988–1989 One year travel grant from the Römisch-Germanische Kommmission (Roman-Germanic Comission) of the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut (German Archaeological Institute)
  • 1977–1987 Studies of the Archaeology of the Roman provinces, Classical Archaeology, Ancient History and Prehistoric Archaeology at the Universities of Cologne, Bonn and Freiburg i. Br.
  • 1987 Doctorate at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg i. Br.
  • Der Iglesiente
  • Corpus römischer Bleibarren
  • Die Antikensammlung der Grafen von Manderscheid-Blankenheim
  • Luftbildarchäologie in Xanten – Vetera castra 


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