Yvonne Schmied M.A.

Room: 1.1.3
Phone: +49 (0)234 32-28175

Research Interest, Career and Projects
  • Pre- and Early History and Modern Age of Sardegna
  • Landscape Archaeology
  • Digital and Graphic recording of Architecture
  •    since 07/2022 Research Assistant at the Institute of Archaeological Science, Department Pre- and Early History at the Ruhr University Bochum
  •    2019-2022 Master Studies in Pre- And Early Archaeology and Art History; Title of the Thesis: "Steinerne Persistenz. Eine diachrone Analyse der architektonischen Strukturen des villaggio von Gruttiacqua"
  •     2021 Erasmus-Internship in Cultural Mediation at Il Calderone in Sant’Antioco (Sardegna)
  •     2020-2021 Internship in Exhibition Planning and Construction „Tod im Salz“ at the german Mining Museum in Bochum
  •     2019 Exhibition Project „RUB: brutal schön?“, Institute for Art History (RUB)
  •     2018-2022 Student Assistant at the Ruhr University Bochum in the Department Pre- and Early Archaeology of the Mediterrean under the direction of Prof. Dr. Constance von Rüden
  •     2018-2022 Student Assistant at the Ruhr University Bochum in the Department Art History of the Middle Ages under the direction of Prof. Dr. Ulrich Rehm
  •     2016-2018 Student Assistant at the Ruhr University Bochum in the Department Modern Art History with an Emphasis on Cultural and Gender Studies under the direction of Prof. Dr. Änne Söll
  •     2016-2017 Collaboration and Sita Supervisor of the middle Ages Waldglashütten  of the 9./12./13./16. century in  the Weser Uplands (Landkreis Northeim) under the direction of Prof. Dr. Hans-Georg Stephan and Radoslaw Myszka
  •     2015-2019 Bachelor Studies in Archaeological Science and Art History. Title of the Thesis:„Das Wandgemälde Albrecht Altdorfers für das „Kaiserbad“ des Bischofshofs in Regensburg. Zur Funktion eines erotischen Bildprogramms der Renaissance“
  •      since 2018 Collaborator in the Field Project Making Landscapes on Sant'Antioco (Sardinien) under the direction of Prof. Dr. Constance von Rüden

Social Media and Publications