Ansprechpartnerin: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Vilma Ruppienė
During various excavations in the area of the Cologne Praetorium, numerous remains of a high-quality interior with marble incrustations came to light. Some of these are currently being systematically researched at the Ruhr University Bochum with students from the Institute of Archaeological Sciences. The investigated incrustation remains (wall and floor slabs, elements of the wall systems = profiles, round bars, pilasters) come from the area of the southern baths and from the apse of the great hall to the north of it, as well as from its immediate surroundings.
The investigation focuses on the type, variety and quantity of the material used, its origin and the question of the former appearance of the rooms. The identification of the natural stone types should help to gain new insights into the range of decorative stones used in different areas of the Cologne Praetorium and thus into the polychromy of the marble-encrusted rooms. Knowledge of the proportions of regional and imported stones should also help to obtain a coherent overall picture of the use of regional stone resources and the extent of imports from the Mediterranean region.
Leonie Nolte (BA), Victoria Scharlau, Antonia Hötger and Clarissa Haubenthal (M.A.) (supervised by Jun.-Prof. Dr. Vilma Ruppienė and Michael Reinert (M.Sc.)) will record the incrustation material in an inventory catalog, document it graphically and photographically and determine the origin of the rocks (partly macroscopically, partly using archaeometric methods), taking various parameters into account.
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Vilma Ruppienė
Professor für Klassische Archäologie mit dem Schwerpunkt Methoden der Archäometrie
Institut für Archäologische Wissenschaften
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Am Bergbaumuseum 31, 44791 Bochum
Raum: 0.3.4
Tel.: (0234) 32-28546
Clarissa Haubenthal
Michael Reinert
Leonie Nolte
Victoria Scharlau
Antonia Hötger