Prof. Dr. Thomas Stöllner

Room: 0.3.1a
Phone: +49 (0)234 32-22546
Email: oder
Office hours: Wednesdays from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. or arrange a Meeting via E-Mail

Research Interest, Career and Projects
  • Pre-Roman Metal Ages (Hallstatt and La Tène culture in Central Europe)
  • Mining Archaeology (Europe, Eurasia, Near East)
  • Natural Sciences in Archaeology
  • Cult and ritual in prehistoric cultures
  • Leading excavations in Dürrnberg, Mitterberg (Austria), Askaraly (Kazakhstan), Chehrabad, Veshnaveh (Iran), Lahntal-Atzbach und im Siegerland (Hesse, North Rhine-Westphalia), Sakdrissi (Georgia)
  • 04.2018 Speaker of DFG SPP 2176 "The Iranian Highlands: Resilience and Integration of Premodern Societies"
  • 03.-04.2018 Honorary Visiting Scholar of Flinders University of South Australia
  • 2017 Listed aequo loco 1st place for W3-professorship/RGZM General directorship at Mainz
  • 2016 Scientific board of the foundation “Archaeology at the Rhenian coal district”
  • 2016 Organisation of International conference “ON SALT, COPPER AND GOLD: THE ORIGINS OF EARLY MINING IN THE CAUCASUS” and exhibition “The Gold of Sakdrisi – Man’s first gold mining enterprise” (together with Georgian National Museum Tblissi, Prof. Lordkipanidze, Dr. Gamabschidze) and the Maison d'Orient des CNRS Lyon (Dr. C. Marro)
  • Since 2014 Head of the Research Department at the Deutsches Bergbau-Museum, Bochum
  • 2011 Elected for the chair „Prehistory of Mankind“ at the University of Vienna
  • Since 2010 Member of the advisory committee of the Austrian research centre Dürrnberg and (since 2013) of the Keltenmuseum (Celtic Museum) Hallein (Research of Dürrnberg)
  • Since 2009 Member of the advisory committee of the centre for Baltic and Scandinavian Archaeology in Schleswigg ZBSA
  • 2007 Deputizing the chair of Prehistoric Archaeology at University of Zürich
  • Since 2006 Chair of Prehistoric Archaeology at the Ruhr-University of Bochum
  • Since 2004 Member of the committee for general and comparative archaeology of the DAI (German Archaeological Institute).
  • Since 2004 Regular member of the German Archaeological Institute, Berlin.
  • 2003 Habilitation in Prehistoric Archaeology at the Philipps-University Marburg,
    Department of History and Cultural studies. „Studies on prehistoric salt business
    in Central Europe“
  • 2003-04 Curator and organiser of the international exhibition in collaboration with
    the Islamic Republic of Iran „Persiens Antike Pracht – Bergbau – Handwerk –
    Archäologie“ (Persias ancient glory – Mining – Craft - Archaeology) at the
    Deutsches Bergbau-Museum
  • 2000 Visiting Research Fellow an der Flinders-University of South Australia, Adelaide
  • Since 2000 Head of the Department of Mining Archeology at the German Mining
    Museum in Bochum
  • 1998 Organisation of the conference „Dürrnberg und Manching – Siedlungs- und
    Wirtschaftsarchäologie im ostkeltischen Raum“ (Settlement and economic
    archaeology in the Eastern Celtic region) (together with C. Dobiat und S. Sievers)
  • 1997 Research award for scientific work in the Province of Salzburg.
  • 1995-2000 Research Associate at the Prehistoric Seminar of the University of
    Marburg; DFG project: "Siedlungs- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte des eisenzeitlichen
    Dürrnberges bei Hallein" (Settlement and economic history of the Iron Age
    Dürrnberg near Hallein).
  • 1990 – 1995 Doctorate in Marburg (Prof. Dr. O.-H. Frey) with the dissertation "Die
    Hallstatt- und der Beginn der Latènezeit im Inn-Salzach-Raum" (“The Hallstatt and
    the Early La Tène Period in the Inn-Salzach area”).
  • 1995 Research stay in Budapest, excavation in Wiesbaden
  • Since 1990 Head of the mining-archaeological excavations at the Dürrnberg near
  • 1986-1995 Studies at the universities of Salzburg, Marburg, Regensburg and
    Vienna: Studies of Prehistoric Archaeology, Anthropology, Christian Archaeology
    and Geology.
  • 1984-90 Project in collaboration with the Österreichischen Forschungszentrums
    Dürrnberg (Austrian Research Centre in Dürrnberg); Excavations on Hallstatt
    and various sites in Europe.
  • Leibniz-Graduate school: Raw materials, Innovations, Technology of ancient
    Cultures (RITaK) (2011-2015) and the Leibniz-Postgraduate-school “Resources
    in Societies” (ReSoc) (since 2016)
  • SPP 2176 "The Iranian Highlands: Resilience and Integration of Premodern
  • Prehistoric Salt Mining on the Dürrnberg/Hallein, Austria
  • The Salt Men of Zanjan
  • The Western Slovak Ore Mountains - Strategies for the Use of a Secondary
    Economic Area during the Bronze Age
  • The Region of Mitterberg: Large-Scale Production of Copper in the Eastern
    Alps during the Bronze Age
  • Salt, Copper, Gold: Early Mining in the Caucasus
  • Copper and Tin from the Central Asian Steppe
  • Early iron in the Eastern Rhenish Slate Mountains: Siegerland

Social Media and Publications

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