Marie Usadel M.A.

Room: 0.3.6
Phone: +49 (0)234 32-28162
Office hours: Please arrange a Meeting via E-Mail

Research Interest, Career and Projects
  • Prehistory of Sardinia
  • Raw Materials and Techniques of Ceramic Production
  • Since 07/2020 research assistant at the Institute of Archaeological Sciences, Ruhr University
  • Since 05/2020 supported by the Ruhr University Research School with the International Realization Budget
  • Since 02/2020 Ph.D student in Pre- and Protohistory at the Ruhr University, working title: Appropriation and use of raw materials in southern Sardinia. Landscape-archaeologcial approaches to nuragic ceramic production
  • 2019 Organization of the itinerant workshop Constructing and Deconstructing Past and Present Identitites between the Adriatic and the Tyrrhenian Seas (Program Hochschuldialog Südeuropa) in collaboration with the University of Ferrara under the direction of Dr. Maja Gori
  • 2019 M.A. Graduation in Pre- and Protohistory and Economic and Raw Material Archaeology at the Ruhr University, Title of the Thesis: Mineralische Werkstoffe der Canai-Ebene, Sant´Antioco (Sardinien).
  • 2018-2019 Student Assisstant in the fieldproject Making Landscape under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Constance von Rüden
  • 2013-2018 (Jul.-Oct.) Excavations with the State Office for Preservation of Historical Monuments Baden-Württemberg in the Ach and Lone valley (Swabian Alb)
  • 2015 B.A. Graduation in Archaeological Sciences at the Ruhr University, Title of the Thesis: Zusammensetzung der grünen Pigmente aus den Königsgräbern von Ur, Mesopotamien.


  • seit 2020 Vom Sediment zum Gebrauchsgegenstand - Eine experimentell-archäometrische Fallstudie an Rohstoffen und nuraghischer Keramik der Insel Sant`Antioco in Kooperation mit Dr. Nadja Melko und Dr. Frank Gfeller (Archaeolytics GmbH)
  • seit 2018 Mitarbeit im Feldprojekt Making Landscapes auf Sant´Antioco (Sardinien) unter der Leitung von Prof. Dr. Constance von Rüden

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